Der Kaiser von Atlantis

Der Kaiser von Atlantis

Viktor Ullmann

Concert in the Les Grands accords Classica series

Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Without intermission


Salle Claude-Champagne

220 Vincent-D’Indy Ave.


Der Kaiser von Atlantis is a riveting expressionist chamber opera that skillfully intertwines irony and poetry to denounce the darkness of totalitarianism. In a world ravaged by the tyrannical madness of the Emperor of Atlantis, this powerful allegorical drama offers a poignant reflection on the nature of authority, life, and death, underpinned by music and dramaturgy of exceptional intensity. Featuring seven singers and fifteen instrumentalists, this 20th-century masterpiece transcends the traditional realm of opera; it is a musical and philosophical journey, an experience of striking beauty that should not be missed.


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NOM 2024


Der Kaiser von Atlantis
Opera in a concert+ version


Composer: Viktor Ullmann
Libretto: Peter Kien
Conductor: Matthias Maute
Ensemble Caprice
Digital artist: Matthieu Thoër, for Lumifest en cavale
Lighting designer: Kyllian Mahieu
Illustrations: Maxime Bigras
Stage manager and stage director: Isabeau Proulx Lemire



EMPEROR OVERALL: Pierre-Yves Pruvot (baritone)
THE DRUMMER: Florence Bourget
GIRL, A SOLDIER: Sophie Naubert
THE LOUDSPEAKER: Tomislav Lavoie
HARLEQUIN: Eric Laporte
A SOLDIER: Emmanuel Hasler
DEATH: Frédéric Caton


Introductory talk: Jaap Nico Hamburger

Melocide or the Aftermath of Viktor Ullmann

Viktor Ullmann

Der Kaiser von Atlantis

Jaap Nico Hamburger

Chamber Symphony no. 1, "Remember to Forget"

Andante  Ostinato of a Journey: A Train to Death

Vivace      A Train to Life

Sophie Naubert


Florence Bourget


Eric Laporte


Emmanuel Hasler


Tomislav Lavoie


Frédéric Caton


Pierre-Yves Pruvot


Jaap Nico Hamburger


Viktor Ullmann


František Peter Kien


Ensemble Caprice

Matthias Maute, conductor

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